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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey all!

Today it is 100 days until training Camp and then on to the Philippines!! WooHoo! I got an email reminder with the count down this morning and my mind started racing. I have so much left to do! I still have half my funds to raise, and I’m behind on my thank you notes (sorry if that’s to you!), and I need to make a Dr. Appointment to make sure I’m in good health, and what even makes me qualified to go, and…the list goes on and on. I was close to tipping over the edge into the obis of worry and fear when my bubble was popped by an 11 year old girl. She came into the resource room I was trying to have a meltdown in and awkwardly handed me an envelope saying “this is for you”, then she was gone. I had an idea of what was inside but didn’t have time to open it.

At the end of the day I sat down and opened the envelope where I found seven $1 bills and five quarters, along with the sweetest note. The Note says ” Dear Ms. Rebekah, I know I don’t have much money to give you but here is some. It is to help you go on a mission trip. I hope it helps. 🙂 Abigail McKinley” I know she earned  this money doing extra chores around the house and that this was a real sacrifice for her.

My mind went to the story of the widow’s offering from Mark 12:41-44. In the story many rich people give large sums of money to the temple but it costs them nothing. A poor widow comes and puts in two small copper coins. Jesus said this widow gave more than anyone else because even in her poverty she gave everything she had, just like Abigail did this morning. 

I was reminded that I don’t have to be qualified, or ready, or ten steps ahead, or even one step ahead. I just have to be willing to give Jesus everything I have, even though it doesn’t look like enough to make a difference, in His hand it can change everything. So the question for me and the question for you is this: How much are we willing to give?

Rebekah Sartain