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Hey friends!

When we arrived in Romania I was at a place where i knew it was time to dive into the deep end with God but I was terrified and had no idea what that looked like practically. After spending a week or two thoroughly freaked out about what that could mean I made the decision that it didn’t matter what it looked like I wasn’t going to be left on the shore anymore. I told God “Okay, I’m ready, just tell me where to jump!”. A couple days later he answered in the most unexpected way at an unexpected time.

We had the opportunity to go on a weekend trip to see a castle in Transylvania. There was an unknown hike in the morning before the castle part of the trip. When I say “unknown” I mean we really didn’t know what type of hike it was, we had heard everything from “it’s just a stroll” to “you have to hang on to the edge of the rocks to get through a lot of it”, and of course we didn’t have Wi-Fi to look it up ourselves. I had gone back and forth so many times (if you don’t know falling is kind of my biggest fear). The time came to make a decision about whether I would hike or be one of the few who stayed back and I sent up one last prayer. “Lord, what should I do?”

I received one of the clearest answers I’ve gotten from Holy Spirit in the form of a question “Which one requires you to trust me?” Well, when you put it that way the answer became so obvious. Staying back could be done completely leaning on my own understanding, but saying yes to an unknown hike required that I trust in Him. Needless to say I went on the Hike and it was actually my favorite part of the whole weekend! Also, both descriptions were accurate but the part on the rocks was only a foot above a shallow river, perfect for me!

Ever since that day, any time I’m given a choice I ask myself that same question “which option requires me to Trust God more?”. And for me, living in the deep end right now looks like taking the harder road with the better view.

I’d like to challenge you to live one week asking that same question and see what adventures the Lord takes you on.

Joy and peace,

Rebekah Sartain

5 responses to “The Deep End…Should I Jump In?”

  1. Rebekah- thank you for the challenge and reminder to lean on the Lord and be obedient… and enjoy the “hike” He takes us on. Keep on hiking !!

  2. Thank you for listening for guidance! This is huge for me as well, I made notes in my journal. I, too, will step out in faith & take this challenge. Blessings!

  3. So good, Rebekah!!! Such a good question to live life by – what requires me to trust God more? So excited to hear more stories of how God uses your trust!!!