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Thoughts & Inspiration

Y’all know that song that goes:


“Way maker. Miracle worker. Promise keeper. Light in the darkness”  ? 


Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s true! I have a beautiful teammate and friend who has a wonderful heart. She also has more allergies than anyone else I’ve ever met in my life, she’s allergic to so much in nature that it’s easier to list the things she’s not allergic to than what she is, she also struggles with asthma. As I’m sure you can imagine this was a real challenge when living in a place lovingly referred to as “The Farm”. At the end of February she had been living in a constant state of itchiness for the better part of two months. 


One of my big prayers for this year is to be a part of a physical healing, so naturally I’ve been praying like crazy for this sweet friend to be healed. One day in particular that I prayed for this was our last ministry day in Costa Rica, we walked several miles and my friend was struggling to breath and had to use her inhaler several times. I asked the Lord to heal her that day, right then! But to my surprise he answered quite clearly “No, not today. She still has something to learn.” Two days later I was praying for healing in her again and this time Holy Spirit revealed to me that she would be healed before we left our next country, Guatemala. This felt crazy specific to me as it was only a two month window. 


A couple of weeks went by while living in Guatemala and everyone started talking about doing this overnight hike on a volcano. As we discussed it my sweet friend decided she wanted to go, I wanted to advise her against it as this would certainly cause her allergies to be awful and with her asthma it seemed like it would be disastrous.  But as I was about to voice these thoughts, Holy Spirit whispered “That’s it, that’s when I’m going to heal her”. Two more weeks went by and long story short He healed her just when he said he would! It was so cool and so sweet! To hear the whole story from my sweet friend’s point of view you can watch her video here


Joy and Peace,
